1. February 26, 2013 Senate Minutes

…the implementation of the online program through this contract. This will be, for the time being, the only fully online program. The campus will continue to offer online courses as it has been. There is no plan, from the Dean’s point of view, in offering a plethora of new online

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Categories: Faculty Senate Minutes

2. May 5, 2015 – Senate meeting

…created ad hoc committee on online course instruction and development, created at the request of Dean Lindenmeyer. The Committee is comprised of department chairs interested in knowing how an online course is developed; what type of students take online courses; the difference between an online and face to face course,…

3. October 29, 2019-Faculty Senate Minutes

…abstention. Equity Program http://www.rutgersaaup.org/news/sherry-wolf/equity-program-information-sessions University cannot be punished for giving equity raises. For general inquiries email equityprogram@rutgersaaup.org Put in place to assist with gender, race, and equity across campus. Faculty peer mentors are being requested to assist with forms. https://www.nj.com/ maintains a less than year old list of public employees…

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Categories: News

4. January 28, 2019-Faculty Senate Minutes

…to Faculty Senate December 10, 2018 Voting Record Dept Course # Course Title Credit Value New/ Revision Aye Nay Abstention Digital Studies 50:209:120 Podcasting 3 New 18 English & Communication 50:350:203 Literature of Hip Hop 3 New 18 English & Communication 50:350:204 Immigrant Voices 3 New 18 English & Communication…

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Categories: News

5. November 13, 2007 Senate Meeting

…Science and Technology Commission. The New Jersey Knowledge Initiative (NJKI) saved the Rutgers Universities Libraries more than $400,000. This money previously committed to several databases was reallocated for the purchase of books and new online databases. It is important to remember, however, that the Libraries annual price increases for its…

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Relevance: 23.24

Categories: Faculty Senate Minutes

6. March 7, 2006 Senate Meeting

…were APPROVED, VOICE VOTE . 2. Dr. Gerald Verbrugghe, Chair of the Information Services Committee, requested to change the Information Services Committee’s composition by adding another ex-officio member to be represented by the Dean. The change was APPROVED, VOICE VOTE. 3. Dean Nancy Rosoff gave a presentation on Undergraduate Research…

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Relevance: 22.99

Categories: Faculty Senate Minutes