February 1, 2005
CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 12:27 p.m. in room 121
Armitage Hall, Dr. Allen Woll, President, presiding. Dr. Woll welcomed everyone to the
third Faculty Senate meeting for this academic year.
1. The December 7th, 2004 Faculty Senate meeting minutes were APPROVED,
2. Dean Margaret Marsh addressed the Faculty Senate regarding the “teaching
workload” proposal that had been distributed several weeks earlier. Dean Marsh
indicated that she was not at this meeting to discuss the merits of the proposal, but
rather to describe some of the thinking behind the proposal and to remind us that each
department is supposed to submit to her in writing its faculty members ’ reactions a
week before the February 21st chairs’ meeting.
Generally speaking, said Dean Marsh, the proposal reflects her office ’s desire
for “equity and transparency” among departments in terms of how teaching loads are
distributed. The proposal seeks to strike a balance among teaching, research, and
service for faculty, as well as reward faculty members for their respective strengths in
these three areas. One reason for a system of this nature, according to Dean Marsh, is
to have something in place for the university’s projected expansion and its
development of Ph.D. programs over the next five-to-ten years.
Members of the Senate voiced concerns about the precedents for this proposed
system, teaching and salary norms at the New Brunswick and Newark
campuses, and the role of the Faculty Senate in the process.
Dean Marsh assured the Faculty Senate that a new teaching load system will not
be “imposed from above”; rather, it will stem from a “collective decision” and
there will be open meetings for faculty discussion, as well as participation by the
3. Jonathan Boiskin, newly appointed Director of Development, introduced himself
to the Faculty Senate. From an office on the second floor of 411 Cooper Street, Mr.
Boiskin will work to raise money for research, programs, scholarships, and fellowships
through Rutgers alumni, friends, and corporate sponsors. Before Dean Marsh ’s
appointment, pointed out Mr. Boiskin, the endowment for Rutgers in Camden was only
$15,000; at present it is some $1.4 million. He encouraged faculty to help him build
contacts and share with him their ideas and goals, reminding the Senate of the option
for “charitable gift annuities” to the university.
4. Jonathan Tittler, Chair of Foreign Languages, informed the Senate about the
expanded services at our new Language Resource Center (open from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.
in the basement of Armitage Hall). The revitalized Language Lab possesses 39
computer stations and offers access to CDs, audio cassettes and CDs, interactive CDRoms,
videos, websites, and real-time website tutors. Satellite and cable links allow
viewings and recordings of foreign broadcasts. Harold Winshel is the Center ’s
“mastermind”; Edward Docktor is its supervisor.
The Language Resource Center is not for language instruction only: All faculty
members are welcome to place course material on the Center ’s server, including films
that students can view in the lab at their convenience.
A grand opening will be announced soon, but we are all welcome to drop in at
any time.
5. Dr. Woll indicated that there was no new business to discuss.
The meeting adjourned at 1:15 p.m.
Members Present: A. Woll, R. Epstein, L. Bernstein, J. Dighton,W. Saidel, S. Katz, R.
Lopez, R. Ryan, L. Thomas, A. Lees, J. Still, M. Greipp, R. Cowley, K. Shienbaum, N.
Marmorstein; I. Roseman, J. VanTil, J. Siegel, W. Glasker, J. Schiavo
Members Excused: G. Kortsarz, M. Dillon, J. Rushing, N. Sulik, G. Caputo
Members Absent: J. Ma, J.T. Barbarese, J. Baird, W. Lee, M. Nerurkar, C. Brenner
Submitted by,
Laurie Bernstein, Secretary
Faculty Senate (AY 2004-2005)