February 10, 2004
I CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 12:20 p.m. in Room 121
Armitage Hall, Dr. Tyler Hoffman, President, presiding.
II Approval of minutes of meeting on December 4th, 2003. The December 4th, 2003,
minutes were APPROVED, VOICE VOTE.
III Classroom Disruption Policy – Senator Kim Shienbaum. Senator Shienbaum made a
motion to the Faculty Senate that an Ad Hoc Committee be formed to address the College’s
Classroom Disruption Policy. Dr. Sidney Katz suggested to President of the Senate Tyler
Hoffman that an Ad Hoc Committee be formed consisting of two members of the
Committee on Scholastic Standing, two members of the Committee on Student Life, and one
Admissions officer; two of the members would be students (one from Scholastic Standing
and one from Student Life).
After several examples of disruptive incidents were described by senators, it was suggested
that the Ad Hoc Committee find out how often such incidents occur. It was suggested that
incoming students be educated on the rules of classroom behavior upon entering the
university. A motion to form an Ad Hoc Committee to address the Classroom Disruption
IV Application for Admission – Senator William SaideI. Senator Saidel made a motion to
the Faculty Senate to send a letter to the Admissions Department stating that the Faculty
Senate would like to request that question number 36 in the Rutgers application form have
the word “Optional” added in parentheses after the question and before the phrase
“Recommended Personal Statement.” Senator Jane Siegel explained that the question is
intended to give students in the “grey area” an opportunity to make a personal statement
about their talents, experiences, etc., and allows Admissions officers to see a student in a
more rounded sense. At a meeting of the Committee on Admissions and Retention, of which
Senator Siegel is chair, the Committee voted its approval of the question and expressed its
desire for it to become a required question on the application. A motion to have the Faculty
Senate send a letter to the Admissions Office urging Associate Provost Debbie Bowles to
request that New Brunswick remove the word “recommended” from the question on the
application and include instead the word “Required” was APPROVED, VOICE VOTE.
V Technology support (teaching software) will be addressed at the next Faculty Senate
VI Academic Integrity Policy – Dr. Mary Bravo, Chair, Committee on Student
Life; Associate Provost Mary Beth Daisey, Student Life Office; Associate Dean
Cynthia Riggs, Student Life Office. Each Senator was provided with a copy of the new
Policy on Academic Integrity for Undergraduate and Graduate Students – Rutgers
University-Camden. It was explained that this new policy is based on the Rutgers
University – New Brunswick Policy and replicates it to a large extent, but that the new
policy has been modified to reflect the structure and responsibilities of the Arts and
Sciences Dean’s Office and the Office of Student Affairs on the Camden campus. There is
a new two-page form (Report of Academic Integrity Violation) designed to report alleged
offenses. This report form can be obtained from the Student Life Office. The Student Life
Office will send copies of the report to the Arts and Sciences Dean’s Office as well as to
department chairs and program directors. The faculty member issuing the report should be
sure to retain a copy for her/his file. After the report is processed, the instructor is
informed as to what action was taken. Associate Provost Daisey noted that the completed
report form cannot be put into the student’s file, as it is confidential.
The Policy on Academic Integrity explains the four levels of violation and what
action should be taken at each level according to student’s acceptance of
responsibility. Each semester there are 25-30 academic integrity violation cases
presented. Associate Provost Daisey reported that there is a need for faculty hearing
After discussion, Senator James Rushing suggested that the word “Alleged” be
inserted into the report heading to read “Report of Alleged Academic Integrity
Violation.” Pending this change, the new Policy on Academic Integrity was
New Business. Time ran out before any new business could be addressed.
Report on Attendance:
Members Present: T. Hoffman, 1. Meyer, J. Schiavo, J. Dighton, W. Saidel, A. Roche,
J. Ma, J.T. Barbarese, J. Rushing, K. Engel, A. Lees, J. Still, M.
Nerurkar, K. Frame, M. Greipp, K. Shienbaum, N. Marmorstein, J.
Siegel, S. Cosminsky, M. Bravo
Members Excused: S. Shende, M. Dillon, R. Cowley, J-L Hippolyte
Members Absent: L. Burke, C. Fitter, M. A. Habib, J. Baird, W. Lee, C. Brown, I.
Roseman, C. Brenner, J. Van Til, G. Caputo, M. Meloy, C. Avins,
W.D. Jerome
Meeting adjourned at 1:15 P.M.
Submitted by,
Tyler Hoffman, President
Faculty Senate (A Y 2003-2004)