April 20th, 2004
I CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 12:20 p.m. in room 121 Armitage
Hall, Dr. Tyler Hoffman, Faculty Senate President, presiding.
Approval of minutes of meeting on February 10th, 2004. The February 10th, 2004,
minutes were APPROVED, VOICE VOTE.
II Approval of Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts and the Bachelor of Sciences:
Diplomas dated May 2004 – Assistant Dean Nancy Gulick.
Dean Nancy Gulick presented each senator with a list of the candidates who applied for May 2004
graduation. She noted that there were 421 applications, but that past experience has shown that some
candidates will find that they have not fulfilled their graduation requirements. Dean Gulick requested
that we add the name, Melissa Becktell, under Psychology. The list of candidates for the Degree of
Bachelor of Arts and the Bachelor of Sciences degree for May 2004 graduation (pending that each
candidate meets graduation requirements) was APPROVED, VOICE VOTE.
III Committee Vacancies – Dr. Rich Epstein, Chair, Rules of Procedure Committee.
Dr. Epstein reported that ballots for faculty committees for 2004-2005 are being sent out and that there
are ample candidates willing to serve on committees to fill all vacancies. When votes are tallied, Iris
Rodriguez will type up appointments and distribute across campus. Dr. Epstein thanked everyone for
their willingness to be on committees and announced that Dr. Allen Woll will be the next Faculty Senate
IV Approval of new courses/course changes, Form 29s – Senator James Rushing, Chair, Academic
Policy Committee.
Four Form 29s were presented:
a. English course number 350:098 (Reading) has been dropped and the course has been combined with
course 350:099 (Writing). The English Department believes that reading and writing skills are best
taught in combination rather than separately. Change was APPROVED, VOICE VOTE.
The Foreign Languages Department presented three Form 29s:
b. Course 470:402, The Living German Language: History and Modernity, is a new course that will
provide knowledge for an advanced student or German major who plans to teach the German language
at any level. Covering the linguistics, dialect, and history of German is good for future teachers. New
c. Course 470:310, Communication in German Media, is a new course that will introduce students to a
variety of types of texts, from the most informal to the most formal, as well as to a variety of
communication media. New course was APPROVED, VOICE VOTE.
d. Course 470:100, Survival German, is a course that has been taught as a special topics course during
the Winterim session in the past, but is now being offered as a permanent course. This course is
intended for students with no prior experience in German; the course provides intense instruction
primarily in spoken German, with special emphasis on the needs of travelers. Sample topics to be
covered include pronunciation tips, menus, ordering food, asking for directions, arranging for a room,
etc. Course was APPROVED, VOICE VOTE.
V Technical support at the college – Dr. Jerry Verbrugghe, Chair, Information Services Committee.
Dr. Verbrugghe informed the Faculty Senate that the Information Services Committee comprises five
faculty members and three ex-officio (David Gwalthney, John Mannings, and Harold Winshel). He
explained that the Teaching Excellence Center on the Camden Campus has been disbanned and
Associate Dean Nancy Rosoff now oversees technical services as part of her duties. She asked
Dr. Verbrugghe to attend the senate meeting to ask if there were any questions and to address any
technical services that needed attention at this time. The availability of video equipment was addressed.
There is no video equipment available on campus; however, the Department of Anthropology,
Sociology, and Criminal Justice very graciously lends out their video equipment (which was obtained
through a grant). The need to request special permission for the use of this equipment well in advance
and concern for lack of video equipment was expressed. Smart classroom responsibility has been
handed to RUCS. It was suggested that classrooms in the upper library be made into smart classrooms.
Dr. Vergrugghe indicated that this is already underway.
VI Revision to General Education Requirements – Senator James Rushing, Chair, Academic Policy
Senator Rushing presented a proposal that the general education requirements be amended to read, in
part, “computer science (198), NOT including 198:110. Since the Department of Computer Science no
longer offers course 198:110 to Arts and Sciences students, it was suggested that transfer students not
be permitted to transfer this course, since four-year Rutgers students cannot get credit for this course.
Senator Rushing’s proposal to amend the general education requirements was APPROVED, VOICE
VII Statement regarding use of email – Mary Beth Daisey, Associate Provost for Student Affairs.
Associate Provost Daisey asked the Faculty Senate for an endorsement to encourage Departments to use
RAMS (Rutgers Automated Mail System) email lists. A suggestion was made that RAMS create lists by
course. It was noted that Admissions urges each student to open an email account when a deposit is
received (even before the student arrives on campus). A University mandate makes sure all faculty, staff
and students open an email account. Associate Provost Daisey’s request for endorsement was
VIII Classroom Disruption Policy – Dr. Sid Katz, Chair, Ad Hoc Committee on Classroom Disruption.
Dr. Katz presented a report by the Ad Hoc Committee on Classroom Disruption Policy. It was suggested
that the Classroom Disruption Policy be placed on each course syllabus. A motion was made to place
sections 1 and 2 (with revision of wording of withdrawl” to “removal” in section 2) in the undergraduate
catalog; all 3 sections should be placed on Faculty Handbook. It was suggested that the Academic
Policy Committee review the policy before it goes to the Faculty Senate for approval. This suggestion
was APPROVED, VOICE VOTE. It was suggested that the Faculty Senate review any revisions made
by the AP Committee at next years meeting. This suggestion was APPROVED, VOICE VOTE.
IX New Business. Climate of Campus Survey – Mary Beth Daisey, Associate Provost for Student
Associate Provost Daisey presented a General Climate Survey that she requested Senators to review and
make any changes or additions they felt would improve the survey. She emphasized the importance of
faculty feedback on this survey.
Members Present: T. Hoffman, J. Meyer, J. Schiavo,, S. Katz, J. Rushing, A. Lees,
M. Nerurkar, K. Frame, M. Greipp
Members Excused: W. Saidel, S. Shende, J. Still, R. Cowley, K. Shienbaum
Members Absent: J. Dighton, L. Burke, A. Roche, J. Ma, J.T. Barbarese, C. Fitter, M.
Dillon, J. Baird, K. Carte-Engel, M. Nerurkar, K. Frame, C. Brown, N.
Marmorstein, I. Roseman, C. Brenner, J. VanTil, G. Caputo, M. Meloy,
C. Avins, S. Cosminsky, J-L Hippolyte, W.D. Jerome, M. Bravo
Meeting adjourned at 1:30 P.M.
Submitted by,
Tyler Hoffman, President
Faculty Senate (AY 2003-2004)