Meeting of the Faculty Senate

Approved Minutes

November 18, 2020


The meeting was called to order at approximately 11:20 a.m.., with FASC Senate President Jim Brown presiding. There are 43 Senators, including one officer and five senators-at-large. Of the 43 voting members, 34 were present.  A quorum was met. 

  • A motion to approve the minutes of October 28, 2020 was made. The motion to approve the minutes with the correction was Voting record: 34 ayes, 0 opposed, 0 abstention
  • Courses and Programs presented by Alex Roche Chair of the APC for approval by the Senate:

Courses presented for approval by APC to Faculty Senate

October 28, 2020

Voting Record


Course #

Course Title

Credit Value

New/ Revision






The Rhetoric of Style
















































































  • Bylaws Revisions-ADHOC Committee Meeting
    • Committee consists of Jim Brown, Beth Rabinowitz, and Susan Miller
    • Descriptions of Arts & Sciences committees
    • Discussion to request meeting with Howard regarding budgeting priorities
    • Report from Tim Knievel in Sakai
    • 2 potential amendments
  1. Offer annual report or meeting with Dean when faculty offers specific requests
  2. Planning and budget committee to have more power in budget process (advise & approve budgets)
    • Amendments require full faculty vote
    • 25% of faculty can request meeting with Howard to which he is required to call
    • Amendments cannot conflict with university policy
    • Review policies of other campuses
    • How to get more faculty and students involved in budgeting process
    • Faculty would like to have more say how money is allocated
    • Discussion on what role faculty could play in investigating what amendments are appropriate for budgeting
      • Option 1: slight amendment to bylaws that the advisory roles are more specific. Vote:19.
      • Amend bylaws so current committee can have more approval authority on budgets. Vote:22.
    • Unpaid student internships
      • Request possibility of dismissal of unpaid student internships
      • Provide support for students partaking in unpaid internships
      • To be discussed at a later date
    • New Business
      • RCM maintaining funding at similar level
      • Costs high, revenue flat
      • University president is reviewing
      • Committee met (Paul Jargowsky, Larry Gaines, Mike Palis, Monica Adya) to request more details for formulas used in allocation process for cost centers
      • Survey pertaining to problems at RCM will be sent
    • Future Business
  • Meeting with Howard to discuss budget process



The meeting adjourned at 12:11 p.m.


Present: Ross Allen, Margery Amdur, Paul Bernstein, Holly Blackford, James Boucher, Kendra Boyd, I-Ming Chiu, Jinglin Fu, Anthony Grasso, Julie Griepenburg, Rafey Habib, Osama Hamed, Nicole Karapangiotis, George Kumi, Haisheng Li, Joanie Mazelis, Susan Mokhberi, Adam Okulicz-Kozaryn, Xingyun Qi, Beth Rabinowitz, Suneeta Ramaswami, Jovanna Rosen, Jillian Sayre, Dan Semenza, Stass Shpanin, Carol Singley, Marion Solesio, Zara Wilkinson, Anthony Wright; Officers: Jim Brown


Absent (Senators): Debashis Kushary, Sara Leshen, Susan Miller, Ira Roseman,


Explained Absent (Senators): Angelica Gonzalez, Tamara Nelson, Silvia Perez-Cortez,


Senators-at-Large: (present) Andrew Abeyta, Rick Demirjian, Bart Everts, Paul Jargowsky


Senators-at-Large: (absent) Nathan Fried


Present (Invited Guests): Alex Roche, Jennifer Thiel


Drafted by Kelly Esterly, ________________________________