Meeting of the Faculty Senate

Approved Minutes

January 28, 2020


The meeting was called to order at approximately 12:45 p.m., with FASC Senate President Jim Brown presiding. There are 43 Senators, including two officers and five senators-at-large. Of the 43 voting members, 40 were present.  A quorum was met. 

  • A motion to approve the minutes of November 26, 2019 was made. The motion to approve the minutes with the correction was Voting record: 39 ayes, 0 opposed, 1 abstention
  • Courses and Programs presented by Alex Roche Chair of the APC for approval by the Senate:

Courses presented for approval by APC to Faculty Senate

January 28, 2020

Voting Record


Course #

Course Title

Credit Value

New/ Revision




English & Communication


Shakespeare and Film
















































































  • New Business
    • Upcoming meeting visitors
      • Dan Hart and Loree Jones to discuss equity program, University’s efforts to promote cultural fairness, preparations for new president.
      • Craig Westman to discuss enrollment management
      • Larry Gaines to discuss budget issues



  • Ad-Hoc Committee volunteers: Shauna Shames, James Boucher, Zara Wilkinson.
  • Kimberlee Moran met with Loree Jones to discuss potential workshop to assist departments with raising media profiles (i.e. social media, podcasts).
  • Joanie Mazelis, co-leader of the New Jersey Chapter of Scholar Strategy Network will assist as well
  • Public Safety Session on 2/3/20 Campus Center West BC.
  • Community Outreach Officer, Ron Trivinia



  • Bi-laws Change
    • Roles of committees within Faculty Senate.
    • Meeting with Howard to discuss steering committee responsibilities (president, vice-president, secretary).
    • Full faculty can make changes, Faculty Senate can make recommendations (FASC=Faculty Arts & Sciences, CCAS=Faculty Senate).
    • Faculty Senate requires 30-60 members, 1 senator for every 5 full-time faculty members.
    • Discussion to change roles of Senators-at-Large if needed.
    • Potential build-in of student representatives.
    • Discussion to determine what committees should/should not exist.
    • Committees are required to submit reports at the end of every year.
    • Committees are required to elect their own Chairs. If one is not selected by a certain date, Faculty Senate can appoint a Chair.
    • bylaws-revised-10-2015.pdf
  • Tim Knievel-Budget and Planning Committee
    • Looking for views of Department Chairs and Faculty Senate members for a list of recommendations on what should be prioritized pertaining to budgets and funding prior to meeting with Howard Marchitello.
    • Email ideas to Tim Knievel at
    • Presented to Faculty Senate for support of document. Voting record: 31 ayes, 0 opposed, 0 abstention.
    • Discussion to invite SGA to an upcoming Faculty Senate meeting. Voting record: 31 ayes, 0 opposed, 0 abstention.
  • New Business
    • Faculty Life and Student Life continued discussion of safety and policing concerns on campus.
    • Equity pay raises.



The meeting adjourned at 1:46 p.m.


Present: Andrew Abeyta, Ross Allen, Margery Amdur, Holly Blackford, James Boucher, Kate Cairns, Courtney Cavanaugh, I-Ming Chiu, Cynthia Clark, Jinglin Fu, Angelica Gonzalez, Julie Griepenburg, Osama Hamed, Michael Hayes, Tim Knievel, George Kumi, Sara Leshen, Haisheng, Li, Kris Lindenmeyer, Paul Lisicky, Susan Mokhberi, Adam Okulicz-Kozaryn, Xingyun Qi, Suneeta Ramaswami, Erin Robinson, Ira Roseman, Jillian Sayre, Dan Semenza, Marien Solesio, Stass Shpanin, Carol Singley, Zara Wilkinson, Anthony Wright; Officers: Jim Brown, Shauna Shames


Absent (Senators):


Explained Absent (Senators): Craig Agule, Paul Bernstein, Sylvia Perez-Cortes


Optional and noted (Faculty Senators-At-Large and University Senators):


Senators-at-Large: (present) Bart Everts, Jean-Louis Hippolyte, Paul Jargowsky, Joan Mazelis, Laura Napolitano


Senators-at-Large: (absent)


Present (Invited Guests):


Drafted by Kelly Esterly, ________________________________