March 6, 2007
CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 12:25 p.m. in
room 121 Armitage Hall, Dr. Charles Jarrett, President, presiding.
1. Minutes from the Feb. 6 Senate: there was no quorum, the
minutes remain unapproved until the April 10th meeting.
2. Announcements – Charles Jarrett
a. Charges have been given to the following committees:
i. Information Services Committee – to review the
policy on administrative privileges on faculty
ii. Faculty Life – concerning evaluating administrators
and others
iii. Budget Committee – involving the merger
iv. Scholastic Standing Committee – declaration of
major by students with 60 credits.
b. Sent Senate letter to President McCormick about merger.
c. Faculty Council at Camden should be formed in
collaboration with New Brunswick to advise the
3. Dean Margaret Marsh – Remarks and Discussion
a. The President is eager to hear about our campus and its
b. The Senate should send a note to President McCormick
inviting him to the Senate to talk about his views
c. President McCormick will visit the campus to discuss the
Provost search in a town meeting format.
d. The next provost will likely serve a 5- to 10-year term.
e. The search committee – faculty/staff/students/alumni
f. Mike Palis will serve as Acting Dean of Arts and Sciences
g. Looking for someone to serve in Mike’s place as Acting
Associate Dean
h. We have to tell the President how we would like the
provost search conducted.
i. He will have the search committee formed by this summer
or by September at the latest.
j. Dean’s Task Force: subcommittees presented their reports
and recommendations to the Dean some of which include
i. raising more money
ii. giving more support to undergraduate and graduate
There will be recommendations that will require the
approval and actions of the Faculty Senate.
k. The Dean hopes to meet with the Task Force by the end of
March to finalize recommendations and then forward them
to the Faculty Senate for review.
l. Merger has been discussed at the Administrative Council.
The Dean’s view is that there’s no money for the merger.
The state legislature is up for re-election in 2007. They’re
more worried about re-election and lowering property
taxes and not focused on plans to merge Rutgers with
other institutions.
m.We might want to consider or explore possible
opportunities: Do we want a relationship with Cooper? The
biology program already has cooperation with UMDNJ at
n. The Dean wishes to work closely with everyone next year.
o. The Dean informs the Chairs about budgetary matters and
not to the Budget Committee. Assumed Chairs reported to
their faculty about budget and other matters discussed at
the Chairs meetings.
p. All funds budgeting is tied directly to enrollment
q. We have a serious retention problem
r. The Dean mentioned that a bill is going through the
legislature for a vote in the next few weeks that will allow
any student with an AA or AF degree from a community
college to transfer to a 4-year institution without having to
take additional general education courses at the new
s. A minimum of 12.5 percent of our student body is needed
as first-year students for us to be a legitimate 4-year
t. We need to try to bring as many first year students as we
can despite the NJ Stars Program, which allows students
who graduate in the top 20 percent of their high school
class to attend the student’s local community college for
five semesters free of tuition and approved fees.
u. Specialized programs might be one way to attract firstyear
v. The Dean assumed department chairs disseminated
information to their faculty, which evidently is not always
true, but will work to insure that faculty knows what is
going on at the administrative level once she returns as
Dean next year.
4. Unfinished Business
a. none
5. New Business
a. Joe Schiavo reminded everyone about committee
vacancies for AY 2007-08. Please contact Rich Epstein,
Chair of the Rules of Procedure Committee if you wish to
serve on a standing committee or wish to nominate a
Members Present: C. Jarrett, R. Tarbell, J. Schiavo, G. Caputo, L.
Garcia, A. Espiritu, M. Meloy, G. Verbrugghe, P. Masler, K. Sheinbaum,
E. Vanderven.
Members Excused: M. Amdur
Members Absent: W. Saidel, G. Kortsarz, I. Chiu, S. Fiske, C. Fitter,
C. Singley, J. Rushing, A. Shankman, J. Still, H. Herrera, H. Li, S.
Burrell, C. Brown, R. Cowley, K. Bezrukova, K. Thierry, N.
Marmorstein, J. Van Til
Submitted by,
Joseph C. Schiavo, Secretary
Faculty Senate (AY 2006-2007)