OCTOBER 11, 2005
CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 12:30 p.m. in room 121
Armitage Hall, Dr. Charles Jarrett, President, presiding. Dr. Jarrett welcomed everyone
to the last Faculty Senate meeting for this academic year and requested that the other
Faculty Senate officers present themselves. Dr. Jon’a Meyer, Vice President, and Dr.
Laurie Bernstein, Secretary, introduced themselves.
1. The April 12, 2005 Faculty Senate meeting minutes were reviewed and
2. Dean Nancy Gulick distributed copies of the Candidates for the Degree of
Bachelor of Arts and the Bachelor of Sciences for October 2005 graduation.
She noted that there were two additional names to be added; Tiara Gross
from Liberal Arts and Robert Ervolini from Psychology. The list of candidates
3. Dr. Stuart Charmé, Chair of the Academic Policy Committee, stated that there
were many form 29s (change to the master course list) presented to the
Academic Policy Committee due to the deadline for the new catalog. He
noted that some changes (i.e., course number changes) did not need to be
sent to the Academic Policy Committee for approval.
Children’s Studies withdrew all its submissions, since Faculty Senate approval is
not necessary until the Children’s Studies major is approved.
The Department of Economics presented changes in their course numbering to
conform with New Brunswick’s course numbers. Numbers changes were APPROVED,
The English Department presented several form 29’s include courses that will be
taught on a rotating basis for the proposed BA program in Childhood Studies. These
50:350:360 Literature of Childhood. A study of classic and contemporary
literature read and enjoyed by children and adolescents, including fairy tales and
folklore, fantasy, picture books, chapter books, the adolescent novel, and poetry.
50:350:361 Literary and Cultural Constructions of Childhood. A study of
changing representations of childhood in literary and cultural texts, including the impact
of childhood on imagination and intellectual and aesthetic traditions.
50:350:362 Children’s Literature in Print and Film. Selected texts in children’s
literature studied alongside film adaptations of these texts.
50:352:347 The American Child in Literature and Culture. Literary views of
childhood and youth in the context of American nationhood, with attention to innocence,
protection, violence, diversity, and citizenship.
50:352:348 Literature of Adolescence. Literary, cultural, and historical
constructions of adolescence in a range of literature written for young readers.
The following were also presented by the Department of English:
50:350:391, 392 Special Topics in Literature. A course in a specially selected
topic. Satisfies major requirement “British Literature before 1800.”
50:350:393,394 Special Topics in Literature. A course in a specially selected
topic. Satisfies major requirement for “British Literature after 1800.”
50:350:395,396 Special Topics in Literature. A course in a specially selected
topic. Satisfies major requirement “Cross cultural perspectives.”
50:350:481,482 Reading in Major Authors. An intensive study of the works of a
single author or of two or three related authors. Satisfies major requirement “British
Literature before 1800.”
50:350:483,484 Readings in Major Authors. An intensive study of the works of a
single author or of two or three related authors. Satisfies major requirement “British
Literature after 1800.”
50:352:393,394 Special topics in American Literature. A course in a specially
selected topic. Satisfies major requirement for “Cross cultural perspectives.”
50:615:240 Introduction to Language. Non-theoretical overview of basic
grammatical concepts and general interest questions relating to language, such as
dialects, how ordinary conversation works, the origins of language, and more.
All form 29s presented by the English Department were APPROVED, VOICE
Dr. Rosenberg, Chair of the Department of Fine Arts, presented the following:
50:080:226 Introduction to Conceptual Art Making. This course is needed as a
prerequisite in the painting and sculpture concentrations. This class is an introduction
to conceptual strategies that can be utilized to make art. Traditional and no-traditional
media is used in this studio based course to explore such topics as time, chance, risk,
identity, context, process, generative art and performance. The work done in class will
be accompanied by lectures and reading that trace the historical significance of each
project. Students need no background in art making to take this class.
50:080:265 Digital Photography II. This course is a continuation of Digital
Photography I. Basic digital technology competence is assumed. Course focuses on
the use of advanced photo-editing and printing techniques to increase the skill level
required for production of meaningful and effective imagery. This advance course in
digital photo applications is needed for photo concentration.
50:080:461 Studio and Commercial Photography. This course focuses on the
skills required when pursuing a career in photography. Areas covered include
production, assistants, models, techniques, equipment, and business matters. This
course is presented for the expansion of course offerings for studio art/photography
50:082:354 Contemporary Art. A survey of international developments in art
from 1980 to the present. This course is presented to enhance the art program in art
50:700:495-496 Honors in Music. Candidates for honors in music must, at the
end of their junior year, have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better and an average of 3.5
or better in the major. Both terms must be completed in order to receive credit.
Independent research on a specific topic in music history theory leading to an honors
thesis written under the supervision of a professor in music. The Department of Fine
Arts Honors Program in Music will provide qualified senior music majors the opportunity
to work on a specific project and submit an honors paper prepared under the
supervision of a faculty member.
50:965:123 Movement and Voice for the Stage. The theater program has been
relying on modern dance and ballet for an actor ’s movements studies. This course is
designed to address vital vocal and physical concepts and skills specific to an actor ’s
50:965:124 Modern/Improvisional Dance. This course provides students with a
necessary physical awareness and increases their skills in using the body as an
instrument of expression.
50:965:319 Playwriting II. It is important to round out a curriculum with a broad
base for students to study compositional theater, and to create ongoing student works
in progress. New play development is an area where student creativity in the theater
can be clearly channeled, developed and often produced at Rutgers-Camden. As an
added bonus the course creates material for our acting and directing students to build
around on a collaborative basis.
50:965:345 Theater and Film – Europe. This course examines content and
performance styles that are specific to European countries/cultures/individuals.
Influences are traced from a present day perspective of 20 th Century European history
and colonialism to past and current expressions of unrest in former eastern block
countries. This course is presented to broaden our students cultural and political
perspective on theater, film and other forms of performance. (It was noted that Dr.
Bernstein’s European course and Dr. Rushing’s course are entirely different from each
All the form 29s from the Department of Fine Arts were APPROVED, VOICE
Dr. Charmé presented a course, 50:090:301,302 special topics in Arts and
Sciences. These courses were proposed to allow for the possibility of special courses
at a future date. These courses were APPROVED, VOICE VOTE.
Many obsolete courses in Liberal Studies have been deleted while the new
catalog was under construction. The Faculty Senate APPROVED, VOICE VOTE.
Dr. John Dunn, Chair of the Political Science Department, presented the
following form 29’s:
50:790:403 The Constitution and Criminal Law. The course examines those
parts of the U.S. Constitution that establish the rights of citizens when they become
subjects of criminal investigation and prosecution. This course will strengthen the
political science departments offerings in the field of Constitutional Law, which is the
reason Dr. McLeod (Ph.D. and JD., Michigan) was hired. It will also have broader
appeal beyond political science majors, i.e. to criminal justice students and pre-law
students in other majors.
50:790:410 Comparative Constitutional Law. This course compares and
contrasts constitutions of countries from different continents and from different legal
traditions, including civil law, common law, and Islamic law. This course will add an
important and timely global dimension to our students ’ study of constitutional law. It
will complement our offerings in U.S. constitutional law and international law.
Both form 29s offered by the Political Science Department were APPROVED,
Dr. Luis Garcia, Chair of the Department of Psychology, presented the following
form 29’s:
50:830:201 Frontiers in Psychology. Faculty members and distinguished visiting
lecturers lead seminars in their fields of specialization; students prepare and present
papers on assigned topics that change from year to year. This course provides an
opportunity for psychology majors to learn about programs of study, areas of career
choice, and new developments in the field at a time when they are making choices for
post-graduate work.
50:830:435 Advanced Social Psychology. The course provides in-depth
treatment of selected issues in social psychology, including theories and research
techniques, social influence, social cognition, and interpersonal relations. Class
research project required. The course provides an opportunity for advanced
psychology majors to engage in structured research projects based on a theme from
social psychology.
Both form 29s for the Department of Psychology were APPROVED, VOICE
Donald J. Rainey, Director of the Teacher Preparation Program, stated that there
are 215 students currently in the program. The State code has changed and we must
change our program. Courses are needed to help students deal with classroom issues.
In the past seven years there have been changes in the classrooms; violence in 3 rd
grade classroom, hot issues can be legal problems, etc. The Teacher Preparation
Program Director presented the following form 29’s:
59:964:101 Fundamentals of the Teaching Profession. This course serves as
one of three baseline requirements for admission to the Teacher Preparation program
by including broad introductory coverage of teaching as a profession, public school
organization, New Jersey standards, teaching and learning in multicultural settings,
mainstream education of students with exceptionalities, “at risk students,” family and
community partnerships, school law, and educational philosophies. Because of the
disparate background and knowledge base of students in the Teacher Preparation
Program, it is desirable to provide a broad common fund of knowledge on which to
base specific objectives in higher level courses. An increasing number of students
currently reach the final stages of their professional preparation without sufficient
fundamental knowledge, functional attitudes, and adequate instructional performance
skills to sustain positive, productive student teaching field experiences. This course
seeks to address these issues in a proactive manner.
50:964:301 Contemporary Issues in Elementary Education. Designed to serve
the needs of Elementary Education (K-5) certification candidates, this course will
engage students in in-depth analysis of core issues of both a theoretical and practical
nature, including: strategies inherent in the creation and maintenance of learning
environment; evolving code-related issues; implications of high-stakes testing;
development of administrative and community relationships; student diversity and
special needs; assessment and evaluation; professional development, and
collaboration and professional ethics. Content and learning tasks will be specifically
linked to the New Jersey Professional Teaching Standards. As part of the codemandated
national certification required of the Teacher Preparation Program, this
course will better serve the needs of our pre-service teachers while concurrently
improving the TPP’s documented areas of need vis-a-vis the New Jersey Professional
Teaching Standards and the requirements of TEAC (Teacher Education Accreditation
50:964:302 Contemporary Issues in Secondary Education. As described above
in Contemporary Issues in Elementary Education, this course is focused toward
secondary education. Currently, critical issues such as those detailed above are, at
best, unevenly addressed in existing courses and must consequently be covered
inadequately in the Student Teaching seminar. This course will better serve the needs
of our pre-service teachers while concurrently improving the TPP’s documented areas
of need vis-a-vis the New Jersey Professional Teaching Standards and the
requirements of TEAC.
All three form 29s presented by the Teacher Preparation Program were
Dr. Charmé requested that all form 29s be emailed to him (forms are available on the
web); no more hard copies.
The Childhood Studies major will not be approved for while – Spring earliest, but
more likely in the Fall.
4. New Business.
Dr. Tarbell suggested that it go on record that soon to retire Don Rainey,
Director of the Teacher Preparation Program, has done a fine job. We thank him.
The meeting adjourned at 1:00 p.m.
Members Present: C. Jarrett, J. Meyer, L. Bernstein, L. Burke, G. Kortsarz, I-M Chiu,
S. Fiske, C. Singley, M. Amdur, A. Espiritu, J. Golden, A. Shankman, J. Still, H.
Herrera, H. Li, J. Wall, E. R. Cowley, K. Shienbaum, K. Bezrukova, K. Thierry, b.
Adelson, G. Caputo, J. Siegel, J. Schiavo, R. Tarbell
Members Excused: M. Greipp, R. Ryan, J. Rushing, L. Garcia
Members Absent: J. Dighton, W. Saidel, L. Thomas, N. Sulik, S. Pandey
Submitted by,
Laurie Bernstein, Secretary
Faculty Senate (AY 2005-2006)