DECEMBER 6, 2005
CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 12:25 p.m. in room 121 Armitage Hall,
Dr. Charles Jarrett, President, presiding.
1. Assistant Dean Nancy Gulick distributed copies of the Candidates for the Degree of
Bachelor of Arts and the Bachelor of Sciences for January 2006 graduation. She noted
that there were two additional changes: Richard Hesler will be graduating in Economics;
Maria E. Foster has been deleted from Liberal Studies. The list of candidates was
2. Dean Margaret Marsh addressed the Faculty Senate regarding the Stars II program, i.e.,
State Senate bill no. 664 proposed by Senator Wayne R. Bryant (with outgoing acting-
Governor Cody’s approval) to help New Jersey’s middle-class students complete the final
two years of their college-level education. According to the program, if they maintain a
B-average in a New Jersey community college, students can continue their education at
any New Jersey public university at the state’s expense.
The first Stars program provided free education at the community college level to all
students in the top 10% of their high school class. (Camden, Burlington, and Gloucester
County community colleges currently have a total of 1,300 students enrolled in this
program.) Students who do not qualify for this program must apply for financial aid.
Although a recent study indicated that community college transfer students do just as
well as students who have been in Rutgers from their first year on, there are nevertheless
some important issues to consider in reference to Stars II. For one thing, Rutgers will
only be reimbursed in the amount of $2,000 per semester for each student. For another,
students who are transferring in are not always prepared to work at the level required at
Rutgers. Finally, this bill would most certainly reduce the number of our first- and
second-year students.
Dean Marsh wants to make sure that Stars II does not make a negative impact on the
university and hopes to find ways to encourage students to attend Rutgers for all four
years of their college career. It was suggested that Jonathan Boiskin could develop more
funds for scholarship aid; that the university could continue to create and maintain quality
programs and courses; and that we develop more programs in graduate education for
adult learners.
3. The October 11, 2005 Faculty Senate meeting minutes were APPROVED, VOICE
4. Dr. Charmé distributed copies of a Disruptive Student Policy Statement. Pending minor
changes in the wording, the policy was APPROVED, VOICE VOTE. Dr. Charmé will
make the changes and distribute the new policy to the campus community.
5. There was discussion of the proposed minor in Classical Studies. A vote on this proposal
will be held at the February 7th meeting of the Faculty Senate.
6. Agenda items (i.e., proposed new courses; Dr. Shienbaum’s online literacy course) not
covered at this meeting will be moved to the next scheduled meeting on February 7,
The meeting adjourned at 1:26 p.m.
Members Present: C. Jarrett, J. Meyer, L. Bernstein, I-M Chiu, S. Fiske, R. Ryan, W. Saidel,
C. Singley, A. Espiritu, J. Rushing, J. Golden, L. Thomas, J. Still, H. Herrera, J. Wall, K.
Shienbaum, K. Bezrukova, K. Thierry, R. Harrison, B. Adelson, G. Caputo, J. Siegel, R. Tarbell,
L. Garcia, J-L. Hippolyte
Members Excused: J. Dighton, M. Greipp, G. Kortsarz, S. Pandey, A. Shankman, S. Li, J.
Members Absent: L. Burke, N. Sulik, M. Amdur
Submitted by,
Laurie Bernstein, Secretary
Faculty Senate (AY 2005-2006)