7. February 4, 2014 Senate Meeting

…the formation of an Ad Hoc Committee of the Faculty Senate to review the committee structures and by-laws. He explained that the by-laws currently in operation were from 1995. Participation in committees is lacking and recruiting is very difficult. Comments and questions made: Perhaps there are too many committees and…

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Relevance: 18.47

Categories: Faculty Senate Minutes

8. November 13, 2007 Senate Meeting

…in alternate years. Under this new teaching load policy, junior faculty will have a 2-2 load for the first six years. c. This normative teaching load assumes that a faculty member is engaged in ordinary service to the college and is a regularly productive scholar (Committees will be held to…

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Relevance: 17.74

Categories: Faculty Senate Minutes

9. Response to Charge S-1509 September 2017

Rutgers University Senate Academic Standards, Regulations, and Admissions Committee Response to Charge S-1509 September 2017 Response to Charge S1509 (PDF download) S-1509 Default 17-Year Academic Calendar: Review the 17-year default academic calendar drafted by Mary Mickelsen. Background One of the legislative powers of the University Senate is to set the…

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Relevance: 15.15

10. November 18, 2014 Senate Minutes

…as is; listen to what changes are being asked and see if those changes can be made and move forward; or completely halt the process. In his opinion, the middle way was the way to go. However, if it was found that the flaws were so fundamental that they undercut…

11. November 13, 2017 – Senate Meeting Minutes

…The motion was Voting record: 21 ayes, opposed, abstention. With the adoption of the Resolution at the last meeting, a webpage dedicated to Resolutions and Reports adopted by the FASC Senate has been created. Maria will notify the Communications Office (Mike Sepanic) and ask that it be disseminated. Joe Schiavo,…

12. October 17, 2022 Faculty Senate Minutes

…being worked on to ensure all lines of communication are open between the Senate and Faculty Council. James Boucher provided an update on the revisions of the by-laws, with a focus on a lack of internal communication. Invitations will go out to the Senate to talk about committee involvement and…

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Relevance: 12.99

Categories: News