OCTOBER 10, 2006
CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 12:27 p.m. in room 121 Armitage Hall,
Dr. Charles Jarrett, President, presiding. Dr. Jarrett welcomed everyone to the Faculty Senate
meeting and introduced the Vice-President, Roberta Tarbell, Secretary, Joseph Schiavo, and
recording secretary, Betty Zubert.
1. Assistant Dean Nancy Gulick distributed a list of Candidates for the degree of B.A. and
B.S. diplomas, dated October 2006. She indicated that summer session courses had been
reviewed and the list should be accurate. The candidates were APPROVED, VOICE
VOTE pending that all candidates completed all necessary department and university
requirements for their degree.
2. Minutes from the April 11, 2006 Faculty Senate Meeting required two changes before
approval: the letter e and acute accent (é) added to Dr. Stuart Charmé’s name and the
request to show a 16 to 9 vote on the proposal for the B.A. in Childhood Studies. With
changes, minutes were APPROVED, VOICE VOTE.
3. Harold Winshel, Director of CIT, discussed computer security, ID theft, and backups. He
expressed the University’s concern about student social security numbers with regard to
growing identity theft. Harold suggested that any document showing social security
numbers either be discarded or “blacked out.” Harold also indicated the importance of
protecting data through backups on a consistent basis. He noted that many of us have a
false sense of security when it comes to our computers. He described this issue as
“absolute or nothing” meaning if your office computer is infected with a virus or crashes
without backup, everything is lost. Backing up your work is definitely a good insurance
policy for saving your work.
Harold asked that everyone contact him if they have any questions or suggestions to
improve CITs services.
4. Charles Jarrett, FAS Faculty Senate President, announced Dean Marsh’s desire to
communicate more openly with faculty. There are issues with the Dean that require
resolution: 1.) Last year the Faculty Senate approved to change the drop deadline for
undergraduate students from the eighth week to the twelfth week of classes. Dean Marsh,
however, opposed this idea. 2.) The Senate has had no response from Dean Marsh about
class size. 3.) the budget cut and its effect on departments, programs, etc. It was
suggested that Dean Marsh attend a future Senate meeting to address these issues and to
discuss her administration’s view of the role of the Faculty Senate and its standing
committees. The Faculty Senate’s authority has deteriorated under current and past
administrations in the decision-making process. A motion was made that recording
secretary, Betty Zubert, with the assistance of Dr. Joseph Schiavo and Dr. Roberta
Tarbell, forward to Senators via e-mail a copy of the Faculty Senate bylaws that describes
the Senate’s role as a governing body.
The meeting adjourned at 1:20 p.m.
Members Present: C. Jarrett, R. Tarbell, J. Schiavo, W. Saidel, I-Ming Chiu, C. Fitter, J.
Rushing, E. Vanderven, A. Shankman, J. Still, H. Herrera, S. Burrell, C. Brown, R. Cowley, K.
Shienbaum, N. Marmorstein, S. Duffy, J. Van Til, B. Adelson, W. Glasker, J-L Hippolyte, G.
Members Excused: K. Bezrukova (on leave Fall ‘06), K. Thierry (on leave Fall ‘06), A. Espiritu
(on leave Fall ’06).
Members Absent: L. Burke, S. Fiske, G. Verbrugghe, H. Li, M. Meloy, L. Garcia
Submitted by,
Joseph C. Schiavo, Secretary
Faculty Senate (AY 2006-2007)