DECEMBER 4, 2003
I CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 12:20 p.m. in room 121 Armitage
Hall, Dr. Tyler Hoffman, President, presiding.
II Approval of minutes of meeting on November 4th, 2003. The November 4th, 2003,
minutes were APPROVED, VOICE VOTE.
III Committee Vacancies for 2004-05 – Dr. Richard Epstein, Chair, Rules of Procedure
Committee. Dr. Epstein indicated that there are 31 positions that must be filled; up from last
year. He urged Senators to think about volunteering for the various positions (a list of
vacancies is forthcoming). Any nominations should be forwarded to Dr. Epstein by early
February so elections can be held sometime in April.
IV Approval of January 2004 Graduates – Dean Nancy Gulick. Dean Gulick distributed a list
of the January 2004 graduates and requested Faculty Senate approval, pending each
student’s successful completion of the Fall 2003 semester. She indicated that for the first
time in Rutgers-Camden history there will be a triple-major graduate, Thu Nguyen. Thu will
graduate with a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science, a Bachelor of Arts degree
in Biology and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Mathematics. The January 2004 Graduates
The question was asked, “How long does it take for most students to graduate?” Dean
Gulick responded that she did not know; there has never been a study addressing this
question. She did indicate that student teaching can delay graduation. It was suggested that
such a study be initiated.
V Approval of New Courses and Course Changes – Dr. James Rushing, Chair, Academic
Policy Committee. Copies of Form 29, Change to the Master Course List, were distributed
for review as part of the agenda packet.
The Political Science Department presented a change in the course, Geography and the
World, to give it permanent status since it has been regularly offered by the department as a
“special topics” course for the last five years. This course meets a requirement for students
in the teacher preparation program. Geography and the World was APPROVED, VOICE
The Psychology Department presented a new course, Theories of Therapy, which will
provide students with an opportunity to learn about different approaches to psychotherapy.
A new faculty member has been hired and this is her area of interest. There is a high level
of student interest in this course. Theories of Therapy was APPROVED, VOICE VOTE.
A new interdisciplinary course, Introduction to Latin American Studies, was initiated by Dr.
Goertzel. This new course is an introduction to the Latin American area and the Latin
American Studies Program. The new course will support the newly revitalized program in
Latin American Studies. Introduction to Latin American Studies was APPROVED, VOICE
VI Report of Ad Hoc Faculty Committee on Restructuring – Dr. Beth Adelson and Dr. Michael
Lang, Co-Chairs; Dr. Ira Roseman; Dr. Bill Tucker, AAUP Vice President
The Ad Hoc Faculty Committee on Restructuring (Professors B. Adelson and M. Lang, Co-Chairs)
provided a Report to the Faculty Senate on University Restructuring Issues which was an attachment
to the agenda packet. An overview of the report was given along with some of the major issues on
the faculty survey. It was emphasized how important it is for all faculty to participate in the
restructuring process. No one seems to know when (or if) restructuring is going to take place, but it
is believed that even if restructuring does not occur, there are going to be changes made on the
Camden campus.
There were 138 surveys sent out with 64 responses (46%). The survey showed support for the
merger; natural sciences strongly support, social sciences less strongly support, and humanities
opposed the merger. Very strong opposition was noted against a merger with Rowan. It is very
important to faculty that sabbaticals, tenure, etc. be in line with New Brunswick and Newark.
It was noted that faculty are willing to teach in and outside of Camden, but there is less support for
teaching in Stratford. The faculty feel that teaching loads cannot increase to accommodate
restructuring. Support for a new science building was positive. The survey indicated that faculty
are adamant that they want to keep Rutgers name, libraries, and computer systems.
It was expressed that the Faculty Senate should be involved in decisions in the restructuring process;
not just the selected committee members.
Dr. Bill Tucker, Vice President of AAUP, was an invited guest at the meeting. He stated that if
restructuring does take place there should be a chancellor with three Board of Governors and three
separate budgets. Decisions should be made at campus levels; however, there should be campus
collaboration with a unitary faculty contract.
Dr. Tucker stated that a restructuring proposal must be in Governor McGreevy’s office by January 1st,
2004 for a bond issue to be on the November 2004 ballot. The bond issue will cover ½ of capital
budget, but no operating budget. It was suggested that a brief statement be drawn up by the Faculty
The Faculty Senate ACCEPTED AND APPROVED the Ad Hoc Faculty Committee on
Restructuring’s report.
VII New Business. Time ran out before any new business could be addressed.
Members Present: T. Hoffman, J. Meyer, J. Schiavo, W. Saidel, A. Roche, R. Cowley,
J. Rushing, K. Engel, A. Lees, J. Still, K. Frame, M. Greipp, C. Brown,
K. Shienbaum, I. Roseman, J. VanTil, G. Caputo, J. Siegel,
C. Avins, S. Cosminsky, J-L. Hippolyte, N. Marmorstein
(Please note: J. VanTil and Naomi Marmorstein were present at the
November 4th meeting.)
Members Excused: J. Dighton, J. Baird, M Nerurkar, W. D. Jerome
Members Absent: S. Shende, L. Burke, J. Ma, J.T. Barbarese, C. Fitter, M. Dillon, M. A. Habib, W. Lee,
M. Bravo
Meeting adjourned at 1:32 P.M.
Submitted by,
Tyler Hoffman, President
Faculty Senate (AY 2003-2004)