FEBRUARY 5, 2008
CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 12:25 p.m. in room 121 Armitage Hall, Dr. William Saidel, President, presiding.
The minutes from the December 11, 2007 meeting were APPROVED, VOICE VOTE. Approval of the minutes for the November 13, 2007 meetings was denied because #2, item b “The normative teaching load for the Faculty of Arts and Sciences shall be 2-2 for regularly productive senior faculty members and 2-2 (3-2 every other year) for junior (tenure-track) faculty.” The junior faculty part of the statement is in question. It was noted that junior faculty were not discussed at the meeting. We will look back on the minutes and ascertain if such a statement was made.
Dr. Saidel made an announcement that a retirement reception will be held for Dr. Sidney Katz on March 27th . Dr. Saidel encouraged everyone to attend the reception to acknowledge Dr. Katz’s 48 years of distinguished service to the Camden campus.
Dr. Saidel presented a resolution concerning proposed changes in the grading system of the Camden College of Arts and Sciences, by suggesting the insertion of grades A+, A-, B-, C-in the default system. Rationale was that grades are the determination of a numerical decision; it is inconceivable to the CCAS that an 81 be judged equal to an 86. Similarly, a 91 cannot be judged equal to a 98, yet under the current system, a faculty member has no ability in grading to distinguish between the two distinguishable grades. Presently, two law schools and Mason Gross School of Arts have a minus system. Dr. Rabinowitz, a member of the University Senate, was on hand for discussion of the grading system. He indicated that there has been a long history of discussion (5 years; 2001-2006) concerning grading. Should A-, B-, and C-grades be incorporated into the grading system? The A+ grade presented some negative comments including A+ would degrade “A” grades which have been given. The A+ grade was
thought by others as a good idea. A vote was taken: 8 in favor of
minus grade changes; 6 not in favor; and 2 abstaining. After much
discussion, it was decided that Drs. SaideI and Rabinowitz would
develop an argument to present a resolution and set of a meeting for
4. Dr. James Rushing, Chair of the Academic Policy Committee, presented the following change to master course list Form 29s:
a. Course 50:163:391 -Observation and Assessment in Early Childhood Environments will develop the students’ ability to choose and utilize appropriate early childhood assessment tools by conveying the connection between child and environmental assessments to promote developmentally appropriate practice and environmental enhancements that strategically support all learners and meet the mission of a quality program. This course will prepare students to manage early childhood educations centers.
Course 50: 163:392 -Designing an Early Childhood Environment will develop the students’ ability to critically analyze and enhance their early childhood environments by providing a comprehensive overview of environments that encompass birth to age 8 settings to ensure students are able to plan and support developmentally appropriate environments that meet the diverse needs of child, staff, and families. The course will enhance the Childhood StudiesjECE program offerings.
Course 50: 163: 395 -Director’s Academy will develop the
students’ ability to support early childhood education staff in a
center-based environment by assisting the student in developing
appropriate skills sets in the areas of staff support and
development, introduction to management issues, strategic
planning, facilities improvement and contractual agreements.
The course fulfills the NJ Department of Family Development
(DFD) 60 hour course required for NJ Childcare Center Directors
and Administrators. This course will prepare students to manage
early childhood education centers.
Course 50: 163: 396 -Leadership through Mentoring Practice in the ECE Setting will develop the students’ ability to build effective partnering relationships between mentors and protege by focusing on the skills required to practice reflective and supportive supervision, the development of effective staff
development experiences, and evaluation. This includes study of
supervisory models and staff evaluation. This course fulfills one
of the three major components of the National Association of the
Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Director’s Credential and
prepares students to manage early childhood education centers.
Above Childhood Studies courses were APPROVED, VOICE VOTE.
b. Course 50:730:412 -Theory of Knowledge will provide nonintroductory courses for majors and those students with some background in Philosophy.
Course 50:730:415 -Metaphysics will provide non-introductory
courses for majors or those students with some background in Philosophy.
Course 50: 730 :417 -Analytic Philosophy will provide nonintroductory courses for majors or those students with some background in Philosophy.
Course 50:730:451/452 -Advanced Seminar in Philosophy will provide non-introductory courses for majors and those students with some background in Philosophy.
The above Philosophy courses were APPROVED, VOICE VOTE.
C. Course description for 50: 790: 304 Politics and Culture was revised to update the catalog description written several decades ago. New description to read: As America makes the transition to a nation with no single ethnic group in a majority, Americans, like citizens of many other nations, are locked in a debate about what it means to be an “American”. This course begins by examining the differences and similarities between American political culture and the political cultures of other nations. Is American political culture unique? Can we identify a traditional set of common political values and attitudes that have bound our nation together to create E Pluribus Unum? Should these values, which underlie our political culture, change as our population becomes more diverse? Will our commitment to diversity undermine, or enhance, our cohesion as one nation? The course will also analyze and examine how America changed, why America changed, identify the forces changing America and assess the various conceptions of the America of Tomorrow.
Above Political Science course was APPROVE, VOICE VOTE.
d. Course 50: 989: 407/408 -will provide the opportunity for advanced students to work individually with an instructor on a self-design creative writing project. The project culminates in a substantial work of fiction, creative non-fiction, or poetry.
Above English course was APPROVED, VOICE VOTE.
5. There was no other new business to discuss.
Meeting ended at 1: 18.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Saidel, McIlroy, Maslen, Vallone, Johann, J. Smith, Ledoux, Rushing, Lees, Still, Chao, Gurfinkiel, Shienbaum, Caputo, Meloy, Herrera
MEMBERS ABSENT: Fitter, Sill, Espiritu, Tan, Shankman, Karel, Bezrukova, Duffy, Goertzel
fVl E1\11 BERS EXCUSED: Tarbell, Schiavo, Ledoux, VanderVen, Li, Robinson, VanTil, Hippolyte, Adelson
J eph C. Schiavo, Secretary Fa ulty Senate (2007-2008)