Meeting of the Faculty Senate

Approved Minutes

December 15, 2021



The meeting was called to order at approximately 11:20 a.m.., with FASC Senate President Bill Fitzgerald presiding. There are 33 Senators, including 3 officers and four senators-at-large. Of the 40 voting members, 37 were present.  A quorum was met. 

  • A motion to approve the minutes of November 17, 2021, was made. The motion to approve the minutes was Voting record: 37 ayes, 0 opposed, 0 abstention
  • Courses and Programs presented by Alex Roche Chair of the APC for approval by the Senate:

Courses presented for approval by APC to Faculty Senate

November 17, 2021

Voting Record


Course #

Course Title

Credit Value

New/ Revision












English & Communications


Medievalist Ruins in the Movies

























  • No Confidence Vote of Chancellor & Provost
    • Still in negotiation with President Holloway to set up a meeting
    • Requesting input on how meeting should run
    • Same format as meeting with Chancellor Tillis
    • Requesting small group of faculty to coordinate meeting
    • Tillis is making significant effort to address collective expression in no confidence votes
    • Meeting with Tillis held where he discussed no confidence votes, pay equity concerns, and fiscal year ’23 hiring plan
    • No communication from Provost
    • Interim leadership until January 2023
    • Faculty needs to come together and express principles and actionable reforms to improve shared governance


  • Faculty Senate Subcommittees
  1. Shared Governance   




  • Guidelines on formation of search committees  
  • Guidelines for evaluation and retention 
  • Proposal for how faculty can provide input in strategic planning rather than consultants  
    • Faculty diversity initiative  
    • Assessment of existing programs 
    • Recommendation for new initiatives   

What bodies responsible for vetting and approving of new programs 

  1. Transparent Leadership  


  • Creating fora for continued dialogues with Chancellor and Provost  
  • Presentation of Chancellor and Provost to Faculty Senate when introducing budget  



  • 4-5 people on each committee
  • Room for Faculty Senate to be more vocal
  • Changes to bylaws to improve shred governance
  • All changes to bylaws must take place a full faculty vote
  • Request greater input from full faculty
  • Volunteers requested
    • Shared governance: Paul Jargowsky, James Rushing, Lorri Minnite
    • Transparency Leadership: Bill Firzgerald, Beth Rabinowitz, Susan Miller
  • New Business
    • NTT and other non-tenure trach faculty concerns with sensitive votes
    • Put mechanism in place to provide anonymity in both in-person and Zoom meetings
    • What are the fears junior faculty are facing?
    • Is Faculty Senate a place for non-tenured faculty?
  • Meeting with President Holloway in February





The meeting adjourned at 12:26 p.m.


Present: Ross Allen, Margery Amdur, Paul Bernstein, Margaret Betz, Holly Blackford, James Boucher, Kendra Boyd, I-Ming Chiu, Lauren Daniel, Iman Dehzangi, Jinglin Fu, Anthony Grasso, Rafey Habib, Aaron Hostetter, Evan Jewell, Haisheng Li, Rufan Luo, Randy Mershon, Susan Miller, Lorraine Minnite, Adam Okulicz-Kozaryn, Xingyun Qi, Jovanna Rosen, James Rushing, Stass Shpanin, Carol Singley, Marien Solesio, Sarah Tosh, Zara Wilkinson, Anthony Wright; Officers: Bill Fitzgerald, Beth Rabinowitz, Julie Griepenburg


Absent (Senators): George Kumi, Harry Rhea


Excused Absent (Senators): Osama Hamed


Present Senators-at-Large: Andrew Abeyta, Bart Everts, Nathan Fried, Paul Jargowsky


Absent Senators-at-Large: (absent)


Excused Senators-at-Large: (absent)


Present (Invited Guests): Alex Roche


Drafted by Kelly Esterly, ________________________________