Meeting of the Faculty Senate
Approved Minutes
December 10, 2019
The meeting was called to order at approximately 12:45 p.m., with FASC Senate President Jim Brown presiding. There are 43 Senators, including two officers and five senators-at-large. Of the 43 voting members, 31 were present. A quorum was met.
- A motion to approve the minutes of November 26, 2019 was made. The motion to approve the minutes with the correction was Voting record: 31 ayes, 0 opposed, 0 abstention.
- Courses and Programs presented by Alex Roche Chair of the APC for approval by the Senate:
- New Business
- Security questions presented:
- What role do police play on campus?
- What happens to students when infractions occur?
- Who is made to feel more/less safe with police presence?
- Are we making the Camden community feel welcome on campus?
- Link to daily Rutgers crime log
- Safety meeting 2/03/20, 4:30-5:30 in West BC.
- Community Outreach Officer, Ron Trivinia
- Bi-laws Change
- Roles of committees within Faculty Senate
- Not useful in current form
- Looking to make more flexible
- Duties and responsibilities of Faculty Senate
- bylaws-revised-10-2015.pdf
- Green Resolution Document
- presented by Student Government Association
- encourage buildings to be more environmentally friendly, composts on campus, ban single use plastics
- Presented to Faculty Senate for support of document. Voting record: 31 ayes, 0 opposed, 0 abstention.
- Discussion to invite SGA to an upcoming Faculty Senate meeting. Voting record: 31 ayes, 0 opposed, 0 abstention.
- New Business
- Austerity issues
- Security questions presented:
The meeting adjourned at 1:46 p.m.
Present: Craig Agule, Margery Amdur, Kate Cairns, I-Ming Chiu, Jinglin Fu, Angelica Gonzalez, Julie Griepenburg, Osama Hamed, Aaron Hostetter George Kumi, Sara Leshen, Haisheng, Li, Kris Lindenmeyer, Paul Lisicky, Susan Mokhberi, Lisa Payne, Sylvia Perez-Cortes, Ira Roseman, Amy Savage, Jillian Sayre, Dan Semenza, Stass Shpanin, Carol Singley, Zara Wilkinson; Officers: Jim Brown, Shauna Shames
Absent (Senators): Dan Shain,
Explained Absent (Senators): James Boucher, Courtney Cavanaugh, Michael Hayes, Nathan Link, Susan Miller, Adam Okulicz-Kozaryn, Chinyere Osuji, Beth Rabinowitz, Erin Robinson, Sunil Shende,
Optional and noted (Faculty Senators-At-Large and University Senators):
Senators-at-Large: (present) Bart Everts, Jean-Louis Hippolyte, Paul Jargowsky, Joan Mazelis, Laura Napolitano
Senators-at-Large: (absent)
Present (Invited Guests):
Drafted by Kelly Esterly, ________________________________