DECEMBER 5, 2006
CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 12:26 p.m. in room 121
Armitage Hall, Dr. Charles Jarrett, President, presiding.
1. Assistant Dean Nancy Gulick distributed a list of 100 graduates to be approved
by the Faculty Senate for January 2007 graduation. Pending satisfactory
completion of each student’s fall course(s), the Faculty Senate APPROVED,
2. Dr. Jarrett introduced Provost Roger Dennis. Provost Dennis briefly explained
the non-confidential summary of the Dean’s Evaluation Committee (DEC)
regarding FAS Dean, Margaret Marsh. He then introduced Dr. Sam Rabinowitz,
Associate Dean of the School of Business and Chair of the DEC. Dean
Rabinowitz explained the evaluation procedure of the DEC. The evaluation
consisted of a compilation of on-line surveys, phone interviews, and gathering
information from campus administrators and chairpersons. The report was
forwarded to the Vice President of Academic Affairs. A copy of the DEC’s report
is available to the Senate by contacting Dean Rabinowitz.
3. Provost Dennis was asked to comment on the current administration’s trend of
establishing policies that directly impacts the faculty without first consulting the
faculty. Dennis stated this is a matter that should be taken up with Dean Marsh.
The faculty consults their respective Chairs, who then report to the Dean. It was
noted that the role of Faculty Senate Budget Committee has been circumvented
by the Dean’s Advisory Committee. As a result, the standing Budget Committee
receives no information about the budget. The Provost stated that he would be
happy to present the budget at the February Senate meeting.
Provost Dennis stated that on December 14th a $50M bill should be passed to
include a new science building to be shared by UMDNJ, Coriell Institute for
Medical Research, and Cooper Hospital, which will be managed by Rutgers-
Camden. The mergers and structures presented by Senator Codey will be
determined on December 19th in Trenton. The Systems Biology Institute in
Camden will include a stem cell research facility.
The Provost was asked if there is going to be a University of Newark. If so, what
institutions will it include? According to Dennis the Mayor of Newark and the
Governor have a close relationship, which consequently makes it possible that
UMDNJ in Newark, NJIT and Rutgers-Newark could be included. However, it
may not include Newark’s Law School and Business School. A joint osteopathic
and allopathic school may come to Camden, but whether New Brunswick will
control these areas is not known.
4. Academic Policy Committee Chair, Dr. James Rushing, presented Form 29s for
the History Department. The History Department in Summer Session offers a
number of special topics courses for which special numbers and descriptions are
necessary to distinguish their contents. The new number will be course
50:512:383, A Theme in American History. The Faculty Senate APPROVED,
Under the direction of Academic Policy Chair James Rushing, Dr. Jon Van Til
presented Urban Studies proposal for converting the Urban Studies major from a
stand-alone department major to an interdisciplinary major. As a small major,
Urban Studies currently has about 20 majors and offers about 13 courses a
semester, exclusive of internships and special topics courses. Many of these
courses are cross-listed with other departments in the CAS and the Graduate
School. Most courses have at least 20 students; the larger ones 45. Significant
PTL support is required each semester to maintain adequate course offerings.
The reasons Urban Studies should be reorganized as an interdisciplinary major
include increased faculty participation, increased urban oriented course offerings,
wide disciplinary coverage, cost savings (PTLs), enhanced opportunities for
collaborative research and project development, and greater opportunities for
students. The Faculty Senate APPROVED, VOICE VOTE.
5. Minutes from the November 7, 2006 Faculty Senate Meeting were presented. A
change in #1, paragraph 2, should read “…the Faculty Senate must have 1 plus
16 votes to pass motions presented before the Faculty Senate. The number 16
represents half the number of Senators plus one extra vote. With this change,
the minutes were APPROVED, VOICE VOTE.
Dr. Jarrett stated that Dean Marsh will be attending the next Faculty Senate
meeting in February.
The meeting adjourned at 1:18 p.m.
Members Present: C. Jarrett, R. Tarbell, J. Schiavo, W. Saidel, C. Fitter, J. Rushing, E.
Vanderven, G. Verbrugghe, J. Still, H. Herrera, R. Cowley, K, S. Duffy for K. Thierry, G.
Kortsarz, N. Marmorstein, J. VanTil, B. Adelson, W. Glasker; J-L Hippolyte, P. Maslen;
K. Shienbaum, A. Shankman, L. Garcia, G. Caputo
Members Excused: I-Ming Chiu, K. Bezrukova (on leave Fall ‘06), K. Thierry (on leave
Fall ‘06), S. Burrell; A. Espiritu (on leave Fall ’06); C. Singley
Members Absent: S. Fiske, M. Meloy
Submitted by,
Joseph C. Schiavo, Secretary
Faculty Senate (AY 2006-2007)