November 4, 2003
I CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 12:25 p.m. in room 121 Armitage
Hall, Dr. Tyler Hoffman, President, presiding.
II Approval of New Courses and Course Changes – Dr. James Rushing, Chair, Academic
A copy of Form 29, Change to the Master Course List, proposed by the Computer Science
Department was distributed for preview prior to the meeting. The new course, Java
Applications, was discussed and recommended due to Java’s broad use. Form 29, Java
Applications, was APPROVED, VOICE VOTE.
III Grade Change Policy – Dean Dan Hart
Dean Hart stated that the Change of Grade Policy was written by Dr. Gabor Toth. The
purpose of the policy is to reduce instances of faculty being hassled by students, especially
where students request a change of grade long after a course has been taught. This policy
is not trying to prohibit grade changes, but is intended to encourage instructors to use their
professional judgment before making a grade change. Senator Lees suggested that
“substantial justification” could deter the large number of grade change requests.
Dean Hart indicated that no change of grades have been turned down while he has been
dean, but indicated that several hundred change of grade requests pass through his office
each year. Some of these requests could have been avoided if instructors had submitted
the necessary Incomplete Grade Extension Form or checked their grade calculations more
thoroughly before submitting grades.
Dean Hart stated that retroactive drops must go through the Scholastic Standing Committee.
In these instances the student must show that certain circumstances arose after the
add/drop period, i.e. medical reasons, etc.
Dean Hart indicated that it was not necessary to place the policy in the catalogue; however,
he suggested that it may be emailed to departments or addressed at the department chairs
meeting. The Change of Grade Policy was APPROVED, VOICE VOTE.
IV Freshman Seminar Program – Dr. James Rushing, Chair, Academic Policy Committee
and Dr. Stuart Charmé; Dean Margaret Marsh
Dr. James Rushing, Chair, Academic Policy Committee, described the Freshman Seminar
Program as a three-year pilot program to test the feasibility of offering special seminars
targeted at first-year students. Students do not have to take the seminars, but the Academic
Policy Committee feels the program enhances the freshman experience. The three-year test
period is coming to an end, and the Academic Policy Committee recommended that the
program become permanent.
Dr. Charmé stated that the Freshman Seminar Program needs more targeted courses.
Training, patience and longer-term commitment are also needed. Since instructors
participate on a voluntary basis, it is necessary to recruit instructors to participate in this
program. Not all departments have participated in the program, but those departments that
have participated did not indicate that it was difficult to accommodate seminar requirements.
Dr. Charmé explained that instructors who participate attend workshops, meetings, etc.
A suggestion was made that the Dean “persuade” departments to participate in this
worthwhile program. Dean Marsh stated that she would like all departments to participate in
the Freshman Seminar Program, but she is mindful that this year faculty are stretched to the
breaking point. Lines are very much needed. Faculty are burdened already, and she is
reluctant to ask for more from the faculty. However, Dean Marsh indicated that in order for
the University to be competitive it needs this program (2/3 of our country’s colleges have
freshman programs), and she would hate to see this program curtailed.
The issue was addressed in regard to departments offering upper level courses with
enrollments of 35 versus The Freshman Program with enrollments of 20. It was agreed that
the Freshman Program cannot compete with upper level courses; however, it is felt that the
Freshman Program needs to be a priority. The Faculty Senate ACCEPTED THE
V Report of Ad Hoc Faculty Committee on Restructuring – Dr. Beth Adelson and Dr.
Michael Lang, Co-Chairs; Dr. Ira Roseman
An overview of University restructuring was distributed prior to the meeting. Dr. Roseman
indicated that restructuring is still in development and that faculty should look at the
implications and obligations that such restructuring could bring. He suggested that AAUP
come to the next Faculty Senate meeting. It was suggested that the issue of what protection
should be in place for faculty if/when restructuring takes place be addressed. University
Committee South is working for Camden; more draft reports should be forthcoming from
them. It was further suggested that, at some point soon, there should be a Faculty Senate
statement regarding restructuring.
Senators from the Nursing Department expressed their strong objection that the department
become part of a school of medicine in proposed restructuring; everyone in the department
is unified in their desire to remain part of the Camden campus. A summary of such
concerns and recommendations should be forwarded to the proper committee. It was noted
that events could move very fast and that faculty input is essential.
VI Approval of Minutes
The September 30, 2003 minutes were APPROVED, VOICE VOTE contingent upon (1)
removal of objective statements at the end of sections IV and VI and (2) attention being given
to the Faculty Senate’s request that cultural question #36 on student admission applications be
discussed at the next meeting.
VII New Business
Senator Saidel disbursed a written statement in which he expressed his concern with question
#36 of the undergraduate application for admission to Rutgers-Camden. Tyler Hoffman
recommended that the discussion of the matter be postponed until the next senate meeting.
The recommendation was APPROVED, VOICE VOTE.
Members Present: T. Hoffman, J. Meyer, J. Schiavo, W. Saidel, A. Roche, S. Shende,
J. Ma, M. Greipp, J. Rushing, K. Engel, A. Lees, Y.K. Lee, K. Frame,
K. Shienbaum, B. Adelson, I. Roseman, G. Caputo,
J. Siegel, J-L. Hippolyte,
Members Excused: J. Dighton L. Burke, R. Cowley, M.A. Habib, J. Baird
Members Absent: J.T. Barbarese, C. Fitter, M. Dillon, J. Still, M. Nerurkar, C. Brown,
S. Cosminsky, J. VanTil, W. Jerome, N. Marmorstein
Meeting adjourned at 1:20 P.M.
Submitted by,
Tyler Hoffman, President
Faculty Senate (AY 2003-2004)