October 1, 2002
TIME AND PLACE: 12:20 p.m., Room 121, Armitage Hall
MEMBERS PRESENT: C. Singley, J. Schiavo, R. Tarbell, R. Evans, A.Roche, S. Katz, J-C Birget, J. Ma, R. Epstein, C. Fitter, M.A.R. Habib, L. Tan, J. Tittler, A. Lees, J. Still, M. Karel, M. Greipp, C. Brown, J. Gagliardi, K. Shienbaum, S. Pandey, J. Meyer, J. Siegel, J. Gerver, S. Gramby-Sobukwe, N. Hopkins-Evans, I. Roseman
ABSENT: W. Saidel, L. Bernstein, J. Soll, G. Articolo, W. Puentes, B. Adelson, R. Sanchez-Mayers, W. D. Jerome
I. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 12:20 p.m. in room 121 Armitage Hall, Dr. Carol Singley, President, presiding. Dr. Singley welcomed everyone to the Faculty Senate’s first meeting and introduced herself as the new President of the Faculty Senate. Dr. Singley
introduced Betty Zubert, Secretary for the Computer Science and Physics Departments, who succeeds Pennie Prete in taking Faculty Senate minutes. Dr. Singley then introduced Mr. Joseph Schiavo, Vice-President of the Faculty Senate. Mr. Schiavo announced the creation of a Faculty Senate website, and he disbursed information regarding its use (website: https://senate.camden.rutgers.edu). The April 22nd 2002 minutes were APPROVED, VOICE VOTE.
II. Approval of Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts and the Bachelor of Sciences:
Diplomas dated October 2002. Assistant Dean Nancy Gulick.
Copies of the Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts and the Bachelor of Sciences diplomas dated October 2002 were disbursed (memo dated September 16, 2002). Faculty Senate members discussed the accuracy of the list and approved it contingent upon each candidate’s successful completion of all required major and general requirement courses. The Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts and the Bachelor of Sciences diplomas dated October 2002 was APPROVED, VOICE VOTE.
III. Approval of New Courses and Course Changes.
Copies of Form 29, Changes to the Master Course List, were disbursed to each Faculty Senate member. The departments requesting changes explained their request(s). These departments included: English Department – 3; Foreign Languages – 26; Nursing – 4; and Psychology -1. The Foreign Languages Department expressed a need to update its course listing for greater consistency in prerequisite courses in the new consolidated department and to add four new courses in Spanish American literature. Since the Academic Policy Committee had already approved the new courses and course changes, the Faculty Senate approved them contingent upon the opportunity to bring up any questions they have at the next Faculty Senate Meeting after Faculty Senate members had ample time to review all of the Form 29s. New Courses and Course Changes were APPROVED, VOICE VOTE.
IV. Consideration of amendment to Transient Credit Application proposal.
Dr. Singley gave a brief overview of what had been proposed at previous Faculty Senate meetings regarding Transient Credit Applications. Faculty Senate members discussed the wording of policy. Several issues were brought up: who was responsible for disbursing Transient Credit Application forms and who was responsible for approving such applications. After much discussion, it was decided that only the Office of Student Affairs should be responsible for disbursing Transient Credit Applications. It was suggested that the Office of Student Affairs, as well as Chairpersons, review the guidelines for issuing Transient Credit Applications and refrain from denying students the right to apply for transient credit. Dr. Lees expressed concern about transient work and the impact it would have on monies coming in to the Camden Campus. Again, it was felt that this should not pose a problem if everyone adheres to the policy’s guidelines. It was strongly urged that the Academic Dean continue to oversee the Chairpersons participation in the process by making the Academic Dean’s approval mandatory. The proposed revision to the policy on Concurrent Registration in Institutions outside of Rutgers(Transient Credit) should read:
Prior to enrollment, students who wish to enroll at another college for credit must submit a transient application form, available from the Office of Student Affairs, for approval by the chairperson of their major department, the chairperson of the department in which the equivalent course is offered, and the appropriate academic dean. Under no circumstances will the transient approval be granted retroactively.
Consideration of amendment to Transient Credit Application proposal was APPROVED, VOICE VOTE.
V. Report by Dr. Robert Evans, Faculty Relations Committee, on retiree policy.
Dr. Singley noted that the retiree policy was not an issue on which the Faculty Senate members needed to act, but explained that she felt it useful for Faculty Senate members to be aware of its existence. Dr. Singley introduced Dr. Robert Evans of the Faculty Relations Committee, who enlightened the Faculty Senate members about recommendations to the Dean concerning a policy for retirees (listed below). Dr. Evans studied the New Brunswick policy and sent a questionnaire to 36 retirees. One-third responded. They expressed surprise and pleasure, since they had not heard from the university since their retirement. Dr. Evans informed the Faculty Senate that a new and similar retiree policy had been approved by the Dean and is already included in The Faculty Handbook. consensus is that the retiree policy will be approved by the Dean’s Office, with a few minor changes (i.e., free parking? We don’t have enough parking spaces now!)
Recommendations to the Dean concerning policy for retirees:
1. Inform all faculty (active as well as retired) of the benefits available to retirees. These include auditing courses at not cost, a guest computer account, a new ID card for use at University libraries, counseling services, free parking permits, and eligibility to join the Rutgers Retired Faculty Association (RAF). Membership in the RAF brings additional benefits which are listed at their web site (https://scils.rutgers.edu/rfa/).
2. Maintain contact with retirees and encourage their involvement in campus activities. This could be accomplished in a variety of ways, including the following:
1. Invite retirees to serve on a a Retired Faculty Advisory Board which would be created to a) serve as a resource for faculty considering retirement and b) provide input to the Dean and department chairs on institutional history, policy matters, and fund-raising initiatives. The Dean should consider hosting a luncheon for this Advisory Board each semester.
2. Invite retirees to give a yearly workshop on the tisks and benefits of retirement, focusing particularly on financial aspects.
3. Routinely invite all retired faculty to award ceremonies and commencement. Extend to retirees the current practice of having the administration pay for rental of cap and gown.
3. Invite retired faculty to remain active in campus life. Campus involvement can include continuing a research program, advising students, career counseling, fund-raising, committee work, administrative consultations, and other activities. In exchange for at least 20 hours per semester of such service, the administration will provide the appropriate support, including shared office space, telephone access, reasonable secretarial assistance, and necessary office supplies.
The Faculty Senate members enjoyed Dr. Evans’ presentation and Dr. Singley thanked the Faculty Relations Committee for their efforts.
VI. Update from Ad Hoc Committee on Curriculum.
The report of the Ad Hoc Curriculum Committee has been distributed to all faculty with a deadline of October 16th for responses.. Dr. Ted Goertzel, Chair of the Ad Hoc Committee, on leave this semester, was unable to attend the Faculty Senate meeting. Dr. Allen Woll, Acting Chair, had noted at the Faculty Staff meeting on September 25th that progress is taking place. There will be an update at the next Faculty Senate meeting based upon feedback received from the faculty by Dr. Woll.
Meeting adjourned at 1:20 P.M.
Submitted by,
Roberta Tarbell, Secretary
Faculty Senate (AY 2002-2003)