FEBRUARY 7, 2006
CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 12:23 p.m. in room 121
Armitage Hall, Dr. Charles Jarrett, President, presiding.
1. The December 6, 2005 Faculty Senate meeting minutes were APPROVED,
2. Dr. Gary Golden, Director of the Paul Robeson Library, distributed a packet of
information about Information Literacy for Faculty and Administrators.
Information Literacy is a three prong, web-based program on academic research
that is available on line. It was noted that students entering Rutgers their
freshmen year are taught Information Literacy as part of their regular studies.
Two-year transfer students may need assistance from their instructors. Dr.
Golden said that Information Literacy packets are available, and that he will be
sending out more information.
3. Dr. Charmé, Chair of the Academic Policy Committee, distributed copies of the
proposal for a Minor in Classical Studies. Dr. Fisk, who will be Director of the
Classical Studies minor, explained that the interdisciplinary, multicultural minor
in Classical Studies will help students acquire a well-rounded Liberal Arts
education as well as supplement their major work in other humanities and social
science disciplines. The minor will require 18 credits, requiring World
Masterpieces, 6 credits at the 100-200 level, and 3 credits at the upper level. As
interdisciplinary programs in Classical Studies become more prevalent in
universities across the country, this minor will not only facilitate
interdepartmental dialogue on campus but will help Rutgers-Camden gain
national recognition. The Minor in Classical Studies was APPROVED, VOICE
Dr. Bill Whitlow presented two new courses for the Psychology Department that
will fill present gaps in course offerings. Course 830:440 Developmental
Psychopathology will cover the major psychological disorders that occur among
children and adolescents. Course 830:441 Theories of Therapy describes and
evaluates different theoretical approaches to psychotherapy. Both new courses
Dr. Jonathan Tittler presented a new course for the Foreign Languages
Department. Course 560:131-132 Intermediate Italian I and II will expand
offerings in foreign languages available to all students and potentially to
contribute to a European studies minor. This course will provide practice in
reading, writing, listening, and speaking in Italian and review of grammar and
study of significant texts. Intermediate Italian I, II courses were APPROVED,
4. Dean Mary Beth Daisey presented a faculty update on the Degree Audit. She
stated that this new system is moving along, and she stressed its valuable. With
it, both advisors (and students) can see all prior notations on a file. Dean
Daisey offered to sit down with departments to review their major requirements.
She will send out a memo to describe in detail how the new system works.
5. The Faculty Senate reviewed a copy of Dean Palis’ memo on how classes with
fewer than five students will be treated as independent studies and not counted
as part of faculty members’ teaching loads. To compensate, faculty members
will have to teach an additional course in the next academic year. Various
members of the Senate pointed out that upper-division courses for their majors
often have fewer than five students registered, and that students would have to
postpone graduation if departments waited for larger numbers of students.
There were also comments about how the Senate needs to consider this issue
collectively, as well as questions as to how the new policy conforms to Section
15- Professional Duties of the collective agreement with AAUP. An ad hoc
committee consisting of Dr. Rushing, Cowley, and Saidel was designated. A
motion was made for the ad hoc committee and was APPROVED, VOICE VOTE.
The meeting adjourned at 1:10 p.m.
Members Present: C. Jarrett, J. Meyer, L. Bernstein, J. Dighton, W. Saidel, L. Burke, IM
Chiu, S. Fiske, R. Habib, M. Amdur, A. Espiritu, J. Rushing, A. Shankman, L.
Thomas, J. Still, H. Herrera, H. Li, M. Greipp, J. Wall, R. Cowley, K. Bezrukova, K.
Thierry, J. Van Til, J. Siegel, B. Adelson, L. Garcia, J-L. Hippolyte, J. Schiavo, R.
Members Excused: G. Kortsarz, J. Golden, N. Sulik, G. Caputo, K. Shienbaum, C.
Singley, C. Brenner
Members Absent: W. Glasker
Submitted by,
Laurie Bernstein, Secretary
Faculty Senate (AY 2005-2006)